Indian Aluminium Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Aluminium INDIAN ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Aluminium

Last year, (2010- 2011) he country produced 6.3 lakh tonne of aluminium. India has the credit of being the fifth largest producer of aluminium in the world. The country has a capacity to produce more than 2.7 million tones of aluminium per year, accounting making up about 5% of the total aluminium production on the globe. India boasts of a massive quantity of Bauxite reserve of about 3 billion tones. India enjoys the eighth position among the leading producers of primary aluminium in the world. The country has been witnessing a phenomenal growth in aluminium production over the past ten years.

There was stagnation in the consumption of aluminium between the 1990s and 2002 when the consumption of the metal was estimated at 500-600 KT. However, since 2002, there has been a sharp rise in the consumption of aluminium in the nation. Chiefly, the industries that lead in the consumption of aluminium are power, infrastructure, and transportation and related firms.

2011-2012 Indian Aluminium Industry
Aluminium production industry in India is mainly dominated by about five firms that account for the majority of the country's metal production including Hindustan Aluminium Company (HINDALCO), National Aluminium Company (NALCO), Bharat Aluminium Company (BALCO), MALCO and INDAL. HINDALCO:. Hindalco is the largest firm in the Indian aluminium industry holding more than 39% of market share. This is a flagship unit of the Aditya Birla Group.

For the period of 2011-12 agriculture and Its allied sectors are estimated to achieve a growth rate of about 2.5 per cent. However, it is a matter ofconcern that agricultural growth is still, to a certain extent, characterized by fluctuations due to the vagaries of nature like the monsoon, though there has not been actual decline in terms of output for about a decade.

Aluminium  INDIAN aluminum Industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Aluminium  Aluminium Association of India

Aluminium  The Aluminum Casters' Association of India (Alucast)

Indian Industry  back to aluminium INDUSTRY


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