World Population Day


World Population Day

World Population Day is observed every year on the 11th of July month. The main observation of this day is to seek awareness of global population and its related issues like gender equality, reproductive health and capability of being maintained development. The day people can scheme their families they automatically can also plan their lives. Once this falls in place poverty can be easily thrown out.

The graph showing the population growth is quite rapid which is foreboding great disaster and thereby leading to an implausible stress on earth's resources as to elicit disbelief? The rate at which the population is increasing is going create a major demand for every thing and crisis in fields like employment, education and of course food.Ofcourse the list of crisis will be endless. Apart from this, the natural resources will also be disturbed leading to decreasing biodiversity and ecosystem services like global warming, deforestation, starvation, pollution and related issues.

This calamitous or disastrous nature can be avoided only by having a check on our population growth. Thus World Population Day is a day set aside to increase awareness about global population issues and the strain it creates on the environment. The growth of population reached reached nearly one billion in 1830 and the second billion in the next 100 years. After this the growth was tremendous for within a span of 30 years it reached 3 billion, the fourth billion in 15 years, and the fifth billion in only 12 years. Population is predicted to exceed 9 billion by 2050.

The main reason behind the consideration of World Population is to raise awareness of the issues of overpopulation, especially to governments who are considering ways to save money in the current financial climate. According to the recent census report of the total world population Asia accounts for over 60% of the world population with almost 3.8 billion people. China and India together have about 40 percent of the world's population. Africa follows with 840 million people, 12% of the world's population. Europe's 710 million people make up 11% of the world's population. North America is home to 514 million (8%), South America to 371 million (5.3%), and Australia to 21 million (0.3%).

Thus to bring awareness and for the concept to reach people, World Population Day encourages activities, events and information for the world to realize the fact. This day stresses on the fact that all countries should come forward for a voluntary family planning irrespective of the Global Gag Rule. This day targets on Family planning education both for men and women to stabilize population growth. Thus a single day set aside is not at all enough for it requires more than one day for the fact to reach the people. The awareness of population control is extremely important in today's modern world especially in countries like India and China where the population density is the highest. The committees of the World Population Day organize or plan out programs in such a way that it reaches even remote rural areas where the people aren't aware about population control. But even then it gives a question mark of then why is that we don't have a check over the population control.


World Population Day was instituted in the year 1989 by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme as a result of the reach of the population growth to Five Billion on July 11, 1987.Thus the United Nations wanted a global observance for the awareness of population issues and the impact they have on development and the environment.

Activities for World Population Day

Generally World Population Day will not be celebrated with gifts, cards, and flowers. It is generally celebrated by business groups, educational institutions, on-governmental organizations and community organizations. The other common activities usually include seminar discussions, educational information sessions and essay competitions.

Public life

World Population Day is not declared as a public holiday but however it is observed globally.


The World Population Day is symbolized by a projection of a world map (less Antarctica) centered on the North Pole, enclosed by olive branches. The olive branches symbolize peace and the world map represents all the people of the world. The colour used is blue against a yellow background.

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