World Music Day


World Music Day

Music affects our daily life, weaving its beauty and sensation through our thoughts, activities and memoirs. Music is harmony and music is beauty. Music has the impact of conveying the ineffable.. Music is something both complex and unbelievably simple at the same time. Music helps to bring in peace and tranquility in this world of ours.

The World Music day is celebrated on June 21st every year. World Music day is also known as Fete de la Musique It is being observed to celebrate the gift of music. It was first celebrated in 1976 in France, when an American Musician named Joel Cohen.

Started an all-night musical celebration to mark the beginning of the summer solstice. Now around the world around 32 countries celebrate this day.

On this day , musicians of all sorts both amateur and professionals perform their music in public places without any sort of restriction.Many free concerts are arranged in important towns and cities around the world. There is no restriction for noise on this day.

June 21 has been designated as World Music Day, a day the world celebrates the magical gift of music. It’s origins lie in France when, in 1976, American musician Joel Cohen, proposed an all-night music celebration to mark the beginning of the summer solstice and since then, it has become a worldwide.

World Music Day is celebrated in Argentina, Australia, Britain, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland, Costa Rica, China, India, Lebanon and several other countries. This is done to promote peace and spread goodwill through music. Musicians from across the world are also invited to perform on World Music Day.

Celebration of World Music Day involves:

  • Arranging speech of leading composers, musicologists based on the essence of music and recent scenario of music.

  • Arranging seminars of artists and musicians.

  • Organizing music competitions.

  • Conducting exhibitions of records, musical instruments, musical CD's and DVD's,etc.

  • Organising concerts in public places.

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