Mount Everest Day


Mount Everest Day

Mount Everest Day is celebrated on the 29th of May as a remembrance day, On this day in 1953, Himalaya's highest peak Mount Everest was scaled and touched by man for the first time. The duo, Tenzing Norgay with Sir Edmund Hillary scaled the highest peak of the world. They showed that nothing is impossible in this world if done with determination and perseverance. World gave them due recognition on this unique achievement. Hence the day, 29th May is celebrated to motivate and inspire the people that they too can stand on the top of the world by efforts with confidence and practice.

Tenzing was interested in mountaineering since his childhood. Hence he grew into a good and excellent moutaineer with adventurous spirit. He became at the sight of mountains and listened to the call of the Mount Everest and scaled this highest peak.

'Mission Everest' has been launched by Jamling Norgay, the son of Tenzing Norgay. Mission Everest aims the promotion of the National Geographic's. Mount Everest has now become the world's highest junkyard due to the leftovers by mountaineers and is littered with oxygen cylinders. Hence Jamling is trying to start a campaign to clear out the Everest, Climbing a mountain is a school in itself. It has got educative knowledge as well as spiritual value. Mountaineering is a hobby which nurtures our interest with courage and inspiration. Mountains inspire us in different ways according to our mental make up and offer a sense of adventure, creativity, innovation and the 'will' to give things a go.

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