Laughter Day


Laughter Day

Laughter Day is celebrated on 11th January to know and feel the inherent qualities of laugh which brings happiness. In the year 1988, more than 12,00 members from laughter clubs all over India assembled and laughed clubs all over India assembled and laughed together at the race course grounds at Mahalaxmi in Mumbai. It was an innovative practice in itself that laughing is not only a show of emotions, a facial expression in human life, but has got tremendous value.

Laughter brings immense happiness as tensions and worries withers away. Laughter and smiles can turn even our greatest enemies into your friends. But laughing should be at the right time and right situation. laughter is a brush that sweeps away the cobwebs in the heart.

Laughing is a manifestation of happiness and good mood through facial expressions. But psychologists believe that laughing elevate our moods and depression. We can laugh off our miseries and troubles to a certain extent also. The topic of laughing could be as varied as, from dress to desert and face to fate.

Laughter has not only momentary but long lasting effect. Through laughing we can escape a difficult situation. But laughing should be done regularly to make it a habit and we should laugh away our day-to-day problems. Laughing could be triggered by putting smiles, natural phenomena, jokes or anything which excites us. We can keep on pouring out our bad moo, depression, delusion, anger, jealousy, hatred, all the negative emotions through laughing.