April Fools Day


April Fools Day

The April Fool's Day celebrated on the first of April is otherwise known as 'All Fools Day' whose origin is quite abstract is the day to play fool and try your prankish spirit to the core for it is not going to be mistaken on this day. You can confuse people to the extreme with brain teasers or with riddles and take them for a ride. The custom of playing April Fools' jokes was brought to America by the British.

It's a day where you can fool others and try not to get fooled by others and become a victim. April Fools Day is the day set aside for any amount of pranks, an act intended to deceive or trick a humorous anecdote and giggles. Thus it is a day where we fall as victim to falsehoods. Though April fool's Day is observed in many countries for centuries its origin is still unknown. Sometimes it is also associated with the resemblance of the Hilaria festival of ancient Rome and the Holi festival of India. This is not an official holiday.

History and Origin of April fool's Day

From lot of legends and history it is believed that the April Fool's Day was originated in the sixteenth century in France. During that period the New Year Day which we celebrate now was celebrated on the 25th of March and went on a week's time till the 1st of April, which very much coincided with the spring equinox. In 1564 the old calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar and simultaneously the then ruler King Charles the Ninth made an official change in the New Years day celebration where it was declared on the 1st of January.

Few people objected this and they continued to follow the old date. However those who went in by the new proclamation started making fun of others, sending those gags and gifts and inviting them for parties which didn't exist. The victims of this fool game was called as April Fish which has another astrological association was because the sun was just leaving Pisces, or, the zodiac sing of the fish.

Traditions and Customs on April Fool's Day

There are no major traditions and customs followed on this day other than people playing practical jokes and pranks on each other. The victims of such games are then given a big surprise where the witnesses shout in chorus as 'April Fool'. The most common mischievous trick played is telling somebody that their shoelaces are undone or that they have something on their faces are quite common. Though you make a person a fool this day it is under consideration as a fair game and the victim is supposed to take all this supportively.

Folklores and Myths

In some countries it is considered that any pranks played after 12 noon is supposed to bring bad luck to the pranker.It is also said that if you are fooled by a pretty girl then you a likely to get married to her or atleast get an opportunity of being her friend. Men are strictly not to get married in April 1st for it is believed that the wives will overtake and rule them. Children born on this day is considered to be very lucky apart from the only factor that they will be a looser in gambling. This is a myth which was published in an English Newspaper in the period of Noah, he let go his dove even before the water level had come down. That significant day was supposed to be the 1st day of the Hebrew month, which conformed to the month of April.

April Fool's Day around the World

The celebration of April Fool in France is called as 'Poisson d'Avril' where it involves the taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the "young fool" discovers this trick, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!"Otherwise April Fish! Inn England on April Fools Day the time is restricted only to the morning and if you are the victim for the day then you are named as 'noddie'.In Scotland, you are called a "gowk" (cuckoo bird which symbolizes or represents a simpleton) with a favorite prank being a "Kick Me" sign. In Portugal, you celebrate twice (the Sunday and Monday before Lent) by throwing flour at your friends. In the United States apart from the individuals playing pranks even the medias participate in the day's celebration where they come up bogus news stories or promoting false products. But however the victim is supposed to take it in good sense for otherwise it might bring bad luck to them.

April Fool's Day Celebrations in India

India also celebrates the April Fools Day in a similar way as that of the Western countries and it is more popular among the youths and kids. They usually try to fool the old people and their friends and once they become their victim they scream out April fool! There are also many online websites specially designed to play pranks on this day.

April Fools Day Prank

  • Got Milk?
  • If your milk comes in a cardboard container, add a few drops of food coloring. It's harmless April Fool's joke but the results are pretty colorful.

  • What's That in Your Apple?
  • For a fruity April Fool's practical joke, get a few gummy worms and carefully poke them into fresh fruit, particularly apples. Give mom or dad a wormy apple for lunch and leave a few apples on the table for friends and family members to snack on.

  • April Showers
  • If you have a sink with a sprayer, put a rubber band around the handle when nobody's looking. This automatically keeps the nozzle in spray-mode. Make sure the nozzle is pointing up and outward. The next person to use the sink will get a splash! Too funny!

  • Spare Change
  • This April Fool's practical joke is old but it still works. Superglue some coins to the sidewalk or any spot that has a lot of people walking around. Make sure it's an appropriate place, then watch people break fingernails to get the coins.

  • One Sick Joke
  • Fill a hot water bottle with blended leftovers or even pea soup. Keep the bottle hidden under your shirt near your chest and make a trip to the cafeteria. Your friends need to be in on this prank. When the cafeteria is full, make a loud noise to attract attention, bend over the table and squeeze the bottle. Your sludge should spew out all over the table like you've just thrown up.

  • Related Links
  • April Fool's Day Recipes