Vali swooneed After a while he regains consciousness and soliloquizes, "Oh my end is nearing. The veil of vanity has vanished from my heart. I realize the wrongs I have done. Still there is time to make amendments. He asked his brother Sugreeva to come near him and requested to forgive him for the crimes he has committed against Sugreeva. Sugreeva was taken aback by his brother's word which shows his mark of love for Vali. Vali told Sugreeva that atleast now let them be united and he asked Sugreeva itself to take the kingdom. Vali also told to make Angada as the crown prince and always to take Tara's counsel in matters important for she has always guided him in the right path. Due to the sinking of energy Vali was silent for a while closing the eyes. Then gazing at Rama he addressed, "O Rama, now I realize the glory of your arrow. It has broken the fetters of my evil karma. Rama, by your grace I am freed, Rama." Vali enters into the blissfull beyond.
The bereaved Tara made her desolate appearance on the scene of tragedy. The weeping and the sobbing son Angada was with her. She embraced the remains of her husband and King. Heart rending was her lamentation. It was also thought provoking befitting a cultured woman. Sugreeva watched this woeful scene. He was in the grip of a fresh feeling of remorse. His enemity to the brother was superficial. It had all melted and evaporated away. He bitterly cursed himself for being the cause of this calamity. In a faltering tone he confessed to Rama that his own death alone on the spot would compensate for the crime that he had thoughtlessly committed. He pleaded that his generals would sincerely serve Rama's cause in finding out Sita. A similar death kindly meted out to the revenge stained younger brother would cure him of his heinous sin. But if Rama was not prepared to kill the one to whom protection was assured; the second course open to him was to perish in a blazing fire. He resolved to resort to it. Rama, however counseled him to the contrary and brought enlightenment to him in regard to sin and virtue.
Rama was a calm spectator to Tara's bitter bereavement and consoled her. The obsequies of Vali were then performed with due rites. It was suggested that Rama should crown Sugreeva the king of Kishkindha. But according to his vow of exile Rama refused to enter any town. Permitted and directed by him the coronation of Sugreeva and Ruma his queen took place with all pomp at Kishkindha. Angada was also installed the crown prince.
The rainy season was just then commencing. Rama and Lakshmana were to pass four months in a cave.The new King Sugreeva's regime was to be jubilant within the fort of Kishkinda. After the inclement weather was over, parties of monkeys were to be dispatched in all directions in search of Sita. With this understanding they dispersed. The wind blew howling furiously. The black clouds rolled one behind another like hills chasing one another. The rain lashed ceaselessly. The trees waved their branches hailing the wet weather. There was watery sight all round. Streams were in evidence everywhere. Rama's thought flew now and then to the plight of Sita. Lakshmana's task was to keep his brother's emotion in check. Four dreary months passed in the cave in this manner. But at Kishkindha it was all merriment. Time hung heavy in the cave in this manner.

At long last the rains were over. The sky was clear. The air was cool and fresh. Birds sang and chirped indicating new life. Now Anjenaya, also known as Hanuman or Maruthi was the one individual in Kishkindha supremely above the worldly woes. He was highly intelligent and virtuous. He approached his king Sugreeva and reminded him of his duty to Rama. The tipsy Sugreeva thanked Anjenaya for his timely intervention and reminder. He summoned his subordinate Neela and ordered him to call to duty the entire Vanara forces. Those who failed to come would be severly punished. After instructing Neela to this effect Sugreeva went again. In the cave Rama was restless over the indifference of Sugreeva. He cogitated, "The world beams with life. Sita is suffering somewhere. I sit helpess here. He directed his brother, "Lakshmana, hasten to Kishkindha and warn the wretch that he proved himself false to promise he would be dealt with as Vali was." Again Rama called back Lakshmana and asked him to be prudent for Sugreeva is the only friend they have who can help. In spite of this appeasement, bow in hand, Lakshmana went like a blazing fire to the gate of Kishkindha. The sentinels got scared and flew away in directions raising alarm. Providentially the situation got somewhat pacified due to Angada chancing to meet and greet the enraged assailant. Because of the pitiable position of this prince Lakshmana's fury was mitigated. Then Lakshmana sent message towards him to talk to Sugreeva on behalf of his grief struck Rama. Angada gained access to his uncle and explained the position, but the man was so much under the influence of liquor that he could neither see nor hear. With great difficulties the ministers woke him up to reality. Sugreeva muttered in broken words, "I have done no wrong to Rama. Somebody has poisoned his mind
against me." Now Sugreeva resolved to amend the fault committed because of indulgence.
Lakshmana twanged the bow string causing fright all over Kishkindha. The alarmed Sugreeva instinctively understood what that sound meant. Though intoxicated he reacted to it very sensibly by persuading Tara to go and pacify the infuriated brother of Rama. Tara had now become the second queen of Sugreeva. She approached Lakshmana judiciously and presented the position very prudently and she asked to forgive Sugreeva. "Still in the midst of indulgence he has not forgotten his duty to Rama. He has in time issued orders for the mobilization of the vanara armies", so said Tara. Lakshmana was quite satisfied with the explanation. He escorted Sugreeva to Rama. In the meanwhile all the monkey forces were arriving in large numbers from all quarters. The King of Kishkindha submitted that his entire man power was at the disposal of Rama. But he entrusted the whole plan of action to Sugreeva. Sugreeva's responsibility became great. The best of enormous army were marshaled into four divisions, suitable heads were appointed to be in charge of them and they were dispatched in four different directions. They were to make diligent search for Sita and bring report as early as possible. The division that went southward was commanded by Aganda assisted by the able Anjenaya. Rama knew the prowess of Hanuman and so he called him and gave a ring bearing his name. Sita would recognize that ring and feel assured of the genuineness of the messenger. On their journey they met an old lady and Hanuman gave a brief account of Rama's episode and his party's mission in finding out the abducted Sita. The ascetic old woman said, " Nobody who comes into this cave escapes and goes out alive. But since you have come on a holy purpose I shall save you all by my ascetic power.

The party did as it was directed and found itself bodily removed to the sea shore. Now Angada found himself in a dilemma. The alloted time had transgressed. If they returned to Kishkindha unable to get clues about Sita's whereabouts they would be all given capital punishment. And here the deep sea prevented their further movement. In course of their journey they met Sampati, brother of Jatayu. Angada asked Sampati if he could in any way help the searching party to get information about Sita. Sampati replied, "She was kept imprisoned in Lanka and Rakshasis were keeping watch over her. This information delighted the monkey and they jumped of joy. Now the vanaras came with zeal to the sea shore. But seeing the boisterous sea they got dejected but the Vanara warriors recounted their relative strength. Hanuman required a footing to take off in the air. For this purpose he went to the peak of the mount Mahendra. Allegorically Anjenaya is said to have assumed Vishwarupa or the cosmic form. Hanuman swang the body forward and backward in order to gain momentum. The event of this spiritual transformation of Hanuman is a landmark in his chequered career. Another eternal verity is revealed in this act. Whoever dedicates himself to the service of God undergoes a spiritual transformation. Rama was in dire need of help for the recovery of Sita. For this purpose he sought the help of birds and beasts. To a resourceful man anything and everything are useful. Resourcefulness marks a man's worth. The plan of nature is such that a being is simultaneously to one and another. But Rama was by disposition helpful to all.