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Kunti could clearly read the writing on the wall. Nobody could avert war. Nobody else knew the tragedy brewing in her heart. Karna,her first born child and the Pandavas were arrayed in opposite sides. Whatever might be the outcome of the war, the certain sufferer would be Kunti. For Karna, war was the coveted opportunity to redeem the deep dept of gratitude he owed to Duryodhana and he welcomed it with all his heart and soul. He throbbed with joy when he looked at the military encampments on the banks of the Ganges stretching from one horizon to the other. The sun setting over the panoramic tent pitched on the banks of the Ganges was a sight he enjoyed the most. One day he drove to the Ganges, halted his chariot under the chequered shade of a banyan tree, had a dip in the river and began to offer his evening prayers to the sun. He recited aloud his Pravara traditional invocation mentioning his biodata, "I Radheya the son of Radha and Adhiratha offer you, O visible God Sun, my devotional regards. " Even before he finished the first sentence, a gentle voice mixed with the music of thunder was heard. The voice was clear and it said, "Please stop." Karna involuntarily dropped the water he was holding in his bended palms into the Ganges and stared around. He saw a feminine figure covered with a veil advancing towards him out of the shrubs prodding her way amidst the long evening shadows. She stopped at the brink of the water and stood silently gazing at Karna.

Karna was thrilled, and rushed out of the river and bowed to her feet saying, "Revered mother, you words have touched the chords of my heart like the vibrations of the eternal truth; the mother's love shall never be suspected. The creation comes to a full stop, the minute the mother's love turns unreal. I bow to you." She embraced him affectionately forgetting everything else in the world. It was an unexpected experience for Karna, and he too forgot everything else excepting Duryodhana's friendship.
The Ganges stopped flowing for a few seconds and stared at the son and the mother united in a unique embrace. The God of time was thrilled and he missed his heartbeat for a fraction of a second. Tears of joy rolled down the cheeks of the mother and wetted the head of Karna who looked up and recognized her. He said in baffled amazement, "You are the queen of the late King Pandu and the mother of Arjuna." She replied in quivering voice, "Yes, I am the unfortunate mother; Mother of Karna and Arjuna who are bent on killing each other." Karna said, "You are the most fortunate mother on earth; the two most outstanding heroes amongst the eighteen akshauuhinis are your sons. What a proud privilege for any mother on the surface of the earth! I understand your anguish. Mother of the mighty heroes, please tell me if I could do anything for you."

Karna heaved a heavy sigh and said, "War is a sacred sacrament for me. It is a source of self realization. This great war is equivalent to thousands of Asvamedhas. Men, even if they sit at home are not immortal; for a warrior, death on the brave battlefield, is any better than breathing his last, suffocated on the sick bed. Anyway, nobody who came to me ever went back disappointed. Great mother, you gave me birth. I will give you an unsolicited boon. I will not kill Dharmaputra or Bhima, Nakula or Sahadeva even when they fall into my hands. Perhaps Arjuna can defend himself. As for me, you should not worry. Take me as lost, long long, ago."
Kunti was sobbing silently and Karna found tears trickling down her cheeks. He added, "Mother dear, I have one request; reveal not this secret to Dharmaputra till my death. Let my brother, the incarnation of righteousness, offer me obituary oblations afterwards, if he so chooses." The Sun set meanwhile and Karna saluted Kunti and walked away.
Darkness descended on the landscape like the curtain after the close of a thrilling scene in a dramatic performance. Soon after this happened, Sri Krishna took Karna to a secluded spot in his chariot which was parked under the chequered shade of a banyan tree on the banks of the Ganges and started the converstion. He said to Karna, "My dear brother -in -law, I wanted to broach a confidential matter with you for a long time and now I utilize this rare opportunity." Karna replied, "Sri Krishna, it is my privilege and at once a pleasure to be addressed by you so affectionately as a brother- in- law." "So you have caught the point", said Sri Krishna, "You are the son of the Sun God by Kunti, therefore I have natural affection and regard for you." Karna replied, "But this is quite an unexpected meeting and I have not bargained for it." Sri Krishna said to Karna, "Son of the Sun god, I have come specially to invite you to join the Pandavas who are your blood brothers. Naturally you will be crowned emperor of India.
Karna replied, "Krishna, if I were to be privileged to be the emperor of the whole world, I consider it to be my sacred duty to place Duryodhana on the throne and remain his loyal soldier ever subordinate to his paramount sovereignty. Sri Krishna embraced Karna and bade him good bye saying, "Karna, you have justified your role as the principal actor in this live tragic drama, unparalleled in the annals of human history. My hearty congratulations to you."