
The causes of dyspepsia are many, and some of them are not clearly understood. Too often, dyspepsia has been dismissed as a psychosomatic disorder. The main causes of dyspepsia are overeating, eating wrong food combinations, eating too rapidly and neglecting proper mastication and salivation of food, overeating, makes the work of the stomach, lever, kidneys and bowels harder. When the food putrefies, its poisons are absorbed into his blood and consequently the whole system is poisoned. Certain foods especially if they are not properly cooked cause dyspepsia. Other causes are intake of fried food, rich and spicy food, excessive smoking, intake of alcohol, constipation, habit of eating and drinking together, insomnia, emotions such as jealousy, fear and anger and lack of exercise. However, in recent years, doctors have begun to realize that dyspepsia is often the result of a malfunctioning of either the nervous system or the muscular activity of the stomach or small intestine.
Yoga and Dyspepsia
Yoga has many connotations. The physical discipline of yoga consists of many asanas or postures which have specific geometric shapes. Make stress management a top priority in your daily life. Stress greatly increases your risk for developing dyspepsia. Try meditation or take a yoga class. Instead of sitting in front of the television or computer, go for a walk. Indulge in simple pleasures that take your mind off of the daily bump and grind of life.A healthy thyroid means healthy functioning of all organs of the body. There are poses which centralizes the blood in the spinal column and feeds it abundantly. It keeps the spine strong and elastic. It helps you not a little in keeping up Brahmacharya. It checks wet-dreams and rejuvenates the impotent. It is a blood and nervine tonic too. It removes dyspepsia, constipation and several other gastro-intestinal disorders.
Wind relieving pose
This pose is good for the digestive system. It cures constipation, flatulence, gas, acidity, dyspepsia and loss of appetite.Locust pose
This is a good pose for digestive problems like indigestion, acidity, constipation, gas, dyspepsia.The Corpse Pose
"Sava" means "dead body" in Sanskrit. To practice this asana, one should lie motionless on the floor like as dead body in order to secure complete relaxation of all parts of his body and remove tensions, both physical and mental.Sitting Spinal Twist pose
This posture stimulates the pancreas, liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach and ascending and descending colons, useful in the treatment of diabetes, constipation, dyspepsia and urinary problems. It tones the nerve roots, and adjusts the vertebral column. The back muscles are pulled and stretched in a different direction than usual and this relieves them of tension.Cobra position
This asana strengthens back, abdomen, arms, and shoulders, and increases flexibility in the middle of the back. Improves oxygen intake, increases circulation to the spine and improves digestion.Wheel pose
This pose is beneficial to the nervous, respiratory, digestive cardiovascular and glandular systems. It influences all the hormonal secretions and relieves various gynecological disorders.YOGA ASANAS FOR DYSPEPSIA

- Sit on the ground, stretching both the legs forward. Bend your right leg and place the heel under the left hip.
- Now bend your left leg, cross it over and place your foot by the side of the right knee. Try to hold the left ankle by passing the right arm over the left side of the left knee. At the same time, exhale and take the left arm behind the back and press the right side under the ribs.
- This has to be done by twisting the trunk to the back as much as possible. Maintain this posture for a few seconds and increase the duration to two minutes gradually.
- Repeat the same process on the other side for the same duration.

- Sit on soles. place knees on the ground.
- Frame finger lock with both hands.
- Making a triangle from finger-lock and elbows, place it on ground.
- Now straighten your legs.
- Slowly bring the legs neck your body.
- Soles will automatically leave the ground by practice and thighs knees will touch the abdomen.
- Now keeping the balance straighten your legs from thigh-joint, knees will remain folded.
- Now straighten the knees also and completely balance your body on head.
- While returning to the original position fold your knee first. Then fold your legs from thigh and let the thigh and knee touch your abdomen.
- Now slowly place the soles on the ground. Slowly raise your head also and sit on soles.

- Lie straight, on your back on the floor. Palms should be on the floor close to the body and the heels and the toes should be together.
- Inhale and raise both the legs slowly up in a vertical position (at 90o). Raising of the legs should be synchronized with the breathing.
- Exhale and again raise the legs upward from the second position. Bring both palms underneath the hips and should be used to assist in raising the body upwards. The hands should always work as a support to the body weight.
- Try to raise the body as straight as possible.
- At the final stage of this asana you will be resting on your shoulders, chin touching the chest. In this position the legs should be stiff hard and together and the toes is pointing towards the ceiling. Do not shake. Be firm and keep breathing normally.
- Remain in this position for about 30 seconds on the first day.
- For returning to the first position, first fold the legs on the knees. Your heels should be now on the thighs and above the buttock. Then slowly let the body return to the floor while the palms are supporting the body weight.
- Now stretch out the legs forwards and relax. You have completed one round of the Sarvanga Asana.
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