There are also a variety of games for the school-going children, which they can play while at the school or at their houses and their surroundings. These games have definite rules and should be played accordingly. Many of them build the spirit of cooperation.
The team games are also very interesting and there are many national games with specific rules and definite measurements of the courts. Regular matches are played between different teams for different games throughout our country. But the players need considerable time and practice to play these games. The Girls and women games are also popular in most of the states of our country and they need sufficient energy and enthusiasm. Lots of skill is also required.

The role of play in infant development is important, as it is the foundation for the physical, mental, social, emotional and creative skills that are to be acquired later. Mother-infant games played during the first two to three years of age are of paramount importance, as they are responsible for the all-round development of the child. The child touches and plays with soft toys and plays with its parents and thus gains valuable experience in speech development which in turn leads to intellectual development. Infants use play to reproduce and master anxiety stimuli and they use laughter to develop social behavior and it also gives them pleasure and enjoyment. Children who are deprived of play and social contacts in their early years have emotional dwarfism and stunted growth.
Given below are some songs for infant games, which are sung in different states of India.
ARUNACHAL PRADESHYali Yamu (dog), akung two kuch kuch (repeat) Mother takes the fingers of the child's hand, one by one and says dog-dog come together. She says this for each finger, then in the middle of the palm, goes round and round. This tickles the child and makes it laugh. |
ASSAMESEA kuli, tho
kuli, kay kuli kanhee Hak doi, doi,aamar daahi The mother holds the baby and sings to her with action, pointing to birds, their chirping, the wind blowing through the leaves and flowers, in general, the surrounding nature. |
BENGALIHaat time tim
tim Taking the baby's palm, the mother says, "There is bhaat dal, mach deem". She closes the palm and holding the fist says "The cat has come to eat, Mau, mau- mau" and goes up the hand and tickles in his under arm. |
ENGLISHHow baby grows (child lying down and mother sits
and recites) |
MALAYALAMValia ila vachu, mamam velambi,
On the open palm of the toddler's hand, the mother makes the gesture of serving food, she says the above rhyme in which different items of food are mentioned, i.e., big banana leaf is spread, rice is served with vegetables and different curry, sit down to eat, but there is no salt. |
MARATHIEethay eethay ba ees ray mora Take the child's palm, fingers together on it, say, "Peacock you sit here eat some grains, drink some water and fly above the head". |
TELUGUIddi Pappu, idicharu, idi annam, Mother holds the hand of the child and says by fingers on her palm, " this is rice, this is dhal, this is papad, this is ghee and all. These are all mixed together" and then she tickles the child in the armpit and makes it laugh and when the child opens the mouth, she puts the food into the mouth. |