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It is well known that no other country holds so many festivals of antiquity as does India. Each festival brings an episode of some remote past back to the memory. Owing to its religious and regional variations, India has a number of festivals.

There are said to be more number of festivals in India, than there are days in a year. The religious and national ones are celebrated with great gaiety. The cultural ones attract many great artists from all over India. Hardly a day passes without a festival taking place somewhere in India. They range from small one-day village or temple functions to weeklong art functions.

In India, during the pre-historic Indus valley civilization (3000BC to 1500BC) people had been celebrating various occasions of joy. This is evident from the archaeological excavations at Mohenjadaro and Harappa. Those practices continued during the Epic and Vedic times (800-300BC). During the Mauryan times functions like birthday, marriages, return from a victory were indeed a grand show of wealth and pomp. Festive assemblies like Utsavs were held by the Kings to entertain people where delicious food and drinks were supplied. Such social festivals continued to be popular during the imperial Gupta age too. Festivals accompanied the worship of Gods and Goddesses.

Only a few of the festivals take place on a particular date. Most of them follow the lunar calendar and hence the exact date of the festivals varies from year to year. Muslim holidays and Muslim festivals follow the Islamic calendar. Most of the cultural festivals take place during the winter season. Most of the days of the festivals are not determined by the pre-set dates of a linear calendar, but according to the waxing and the waning of the moon. Fairs and festivals are moments of remembrance and commemoration of the birthdays and the deeds of great gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines, gurus, prophets and saints. Seasonal or secular festivals underline the unity that draws together seemingly diverse groups.

For the men, festivals mean display of valour and virility through various races like the boat races of Kerala, or wrestling matches and animal fights. For the women it means cleaning the house and decorating it according to their artistic inclinations and proving their culinary skills to satisfy their wards and their hubbies. For the children, it is a time to be away from the tedious schools, with savories to munch all the time, new costumes and plenty of free time to roam around with their friends. Festivals also reinforce the presence of God in the life of the individual, the family and the community as a whole.


New Year's Day 1st, January Id-Ul-Fitr * 25th, June
Lohri 13th, January Independence Day 15th, August
Makara Sankranti 14th, January Raksha Bandan 7th, August
Republic Day 26th, January Gokula Astami 13th, August
Vasanth Panchami 1th, February Id - Ul - Zuha * 2nd, September
Maha Shivratri 24th, February Muharram 21st, September
Holi 13th, March Gandhi Jayanthi 2nd, October
Good Friday 14th, April Dussera 30th, October
Easter 16th, April Diwali 18th, October
Ram Navami 5th, April Govardan Puja 20th October
Baisakhi 14th, April Guru Nanak Jayanthi 4th, November
Tamil New Year 14th, April Id- Ul - Milad * 1st, December
Mahavir Jayanthi 9th, April Christmas 25th, December


Hindu Festivals

Makara Sankranthi/Pongal January, 14th
Maha Shivratri February, 24th
Holi March, 12th
Telugu New Year March, 29th
Tamil New Year April, 14th
Ram Navami April, 5th
Mahavir Jayanthi April, 9th
Onam festival September 4th
Gokula Ashtami August 15th
Ganesh Chathurthi August 25th
Dussehra October, 30th
Diwali October, 18th

Christian Festivals

Palm Sunday April, 9th
Good Friday April, 14th
Easter Day April, 16th
Christmas Day December, 25th

Buddhist Festivals

Paranirvana Day March, 9th
Wesak(Buddha Day) May, 10th
Dharma Day July, 9th

Jewish Festivals

Purim March, 12th
Passover 1st Day April, 10th -18th
Jewish New Year September, 20th-22nd
Day of Atonement September, 29th-30nd
Tabernacles October 4th - October 11th

Sikh Festivals

Birthday of Guru Gobind January, 5th
Baisakhi April, 14th
Martyrdom of ArjanDev June, 16th
Gurunanak Jayanthi November, 4th
TeghBahadur Martyr Day November, 24th

Islamic Festivals

Id-Ul-Zuha * September,2nd
Al- Hijira( Muslim Newyear) September,22nd
Muharram September, 21st
Milad-Un-Nabi* November, 30th - December 1st
Id-e-Milad December, 1st
Lailat-Al-IsrawaAl-Miraj April, 24th
Ramadan 1st May, 27nd
Id-ul-fitr June, 25th
Ramzan Id June, 24th
* Subject to appearance of Moon


Valentines' Day February, 14th
Doctor's Day July, 1st
May Day May, 1st
Mother's Day May, 8th
Father's Day June, 19th
Friendship Day August, 2nd
Teacher's Day September, 5th
Grand Parent's Day September, 11th
Children's Day November, 14th

           2016 Festivals in India

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