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Other States and Union Territories  




Having an extraordinary history and culture all the states and union territories in India never fail to charm its visitors.India is the land of 29 States, 6 Union Territories and 1 National Capital Territory.


The union territory of Andaman and Nicobar consists of number of islands at the southeastern edge of the Bay of Bengal. However only few of the islands in Andaman and Nicobar are inhabited by human population. Read More...
The people of Chandigarh are mostly Punjabi's and they trace an Indo-Aryan ethnic origin. The people living in Chandigarh belong to different races and classes. Read More...
One can look through a colorful kaleidoscope when we get to know about the people, culture, festivals of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The union territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli according to the census record of 2001 constitutes about 2, 20,451 of which 23 % belongs to the urbanites group Read More...
The people of Delhi are generally referred as "Delhi-ites" and they take the pride of falling in the fifth most populated urban area in the world having Delhi as the national capital of the country. Read More...
The people of Daman and Diu are popularly referred in the name Damania.The Damania's are originally from the state of Gujarat from a sect named Dubla in the state. Read More...
Today the population of Lakshadweep is mostly dominated by the Muslim community but still this union territory was initially rich of various ethnic groups.     Read More...

Pondicherry is a home to people from different parts of the state and as well as people come from far of other countries, but mostly the aboriginal people are of Tamil origin. Even after the French people has left the place half a century back but still their influence is highly reflected in various cultural and ethnic factorsThe local policemen of Pondicherry follow the French and wore the red kepi. The graph of Pondicherry shows a record of comparative growth in the total population which varies between zero to six years of age Read More...


The history of origin of the people of Andhra dates back to the pre Christian era who are supposed to be the Aryans who migrated to the state of Andhra Pradesh far beyond from the Vindhyas.Read More...
The history of Arunachal Pradesh dates back to 1826 during which the Yandaboo treaty was signed. There are no proper records relating to the earlier history for it seems to be very vague and details can be gathered only with oral literature. Read More...
The people of Assam are a mixture of Mongolian, Indo-Burmese, Indo-Iranian and Aryan origin. This mixture of people constitutes the population of the state and they call themselves as ``Asomiya'' or ``Assamese'' and the language is also referred by the same.Read More...
The history of Bihari dates back to three millennia whose origins are of Indo-Aryan ethnic group. Based on the origin and the relationship the Bihar is divided into castes and sub castes.        Read More...
The people of Chhattisgarh are supposed to be very friendly and are characterized by a lively energy and are very hard working. They have a very ancient history and culture filled with traditions and customs.Read More...
The people of Goa are commonly referred by the name Goan. The Goan origin may be contributed towards the Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic ethnic. Read More...
The Gujarati's get their lineage from the Gurjars who came to India along with the Huns and when they were travelling and had to cross through Punjab they got settled in Gujarat.Read More...
The Jats dominate the place and they claim themselves to be of Rajput origin who came from Malwa, Bikaner, Dharangar near the ancient Hastinapur.The jats are further divided into twelve chief clans (gotras). Read More...
The origin of the people of Himachal Pradesh dates back to the period between 2250 and 1750 BC during which the people of Indus valley civilization occupied the state.Read More...
The people of Kashmir are commonly known as the Kashmiri and they belong to the Dardic linguistic group. The Kashmiris are mainly people who are said to be immigrated from Turkey, Iran and settled in the valley of Kashmir. Read More...
Jharkhand was initially a part of Bihar and it also means land of forest. The people of Jharkhand belong to different tribes. These are Baiga, Bathaudi, Asur, Banjara, Bhumij, Bedia, Binjhia, Santhal, Oraon, Birjia, Birhor, Chero, Gond, Karmali.Read More...
The people of Karnataka are the kannada speaking people who are generally referred as Kannadiga.The Kannadigas belong to the Dravidian ethnic group. The history of the state of Karnataka and the Kannadigas. Read More...
The people of Madhya Pradesh belong to a blend of various religions, castes and communities which reflects the true cultural heritage of the country.Read More...
The history of the origin of the Marathis dates back to more than two millennia. The Marathi people take the pride of being the 17th largest ethnic group in India. Read More...
Kerala situated in the south of India has its origin dating back to the early 10th century. There are legends associated with the origin of the state which proclaims that Parasurama, an Avatar of Mahavishnu during a war.Read More...
The People of Manipur are popularly known as Manipuri's and they fall under two main classes namely the Bishnupriyas and the Meiteis. Apart from these two main classes the land is inhibited by numerous tribes.     Read More...
he original tribal population of Meghalaya inhabiting the state is the Khasi and Garo who are supposed to be the parental population of Lyngngam tribes. Both the Khasi and Garo tribal groups are Tibeto-Burman .Read More...
The people of Mizoram are popularly known as Mizos. The historical origin of the people of Mizoram are said to have come from the Mongolian race and distributed in the north eastern part of the country centuries ago. Read More...
The people of Nagaland are generally known as Naga's and they constitute several groups of tribal occupying the North Eastern part of India and north-western Burma.Read More...
There are lot of mention about the people of Orissa in historical epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Manu Samhita, Natyashastra of Bharata Muni and various Indian Puranas. Read More...
The people of Punjabi with diversity in nature are the descendants of the Aryan tribes who came to India from the northwest as well as the pre-Aryan population, probably Dravidians who had a highly developed civilization. Read More...
The dominating populations of the Rajasthan are the Rajputs. The state is also popularly known as 'Land Of Rajputs' which means the 'son of the king'. It is believed that Rajputs are of Scythian origins.    Read More...
The people of Sikkim are more commonly known as the Sikkimese. The prehistoric times of the state of Sikkim was occupied by three tribes namely Naong, Chang and the Mon.Read More...
Tamil Nadu, a state in South India, was been ruled by different dynasties in the history and has an extraordinary cultural legacy which has come through and inherited by years. Read More...
The people of Tripura are mostly known as Tripuris and they are mostly tribes. They are mainly of Tibeto-Burmese origin. They origin dates back to more than 2000 years and it were these Tripuri people. Read More...
The people belonging to the state of Uttar Pradesh fall under a wide category of religious, racial and tribal groups and origins. The majority of the population living here are Hindus. Read More...
The people of Uttarakhand are commonly known as 'paharis' or the people from hills. It is multiethnic populated state with Rajputs which include members of the native Garhwali, Gujjar, and Kumauni communities.Read More...
The people of West Bengal are more popularly known as Bengali's and they speak the Bangla or the Bengali language which belongs to the Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family. Read More...


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