In India, Jewelry which is studded with different gems is quite popular among Indians. For all popular reasons ranging from spiritual to aesthetic to health, gemstone jewelry has these days become the part of life of Indian women and men both. These stone jewelries are worn according to the individual's astrological chart and ruling of planet. Navaratna which is the part of royality is the combination of nine gems together which forms a necklace or a ring is an important part in the life and fashion of Indian women.
Certain gem stones are believed to have extraordinary healing power. Each gem in the navratna mala has certain attributes which have healing properties.
Some stone jewelries are believed to be protective against poisonous substances and vanish any evil spirits that hover around people and places. Stone Jewelries commercial importance of gems has been increasing recently, for various reasons like their traditional role in the life of Indians and growing consciousness among people. It is believed that except for the emerald, all other precious stones are mined in India. India has been developing this technology of gem preparation since early centuries of the Christian era. Diamond has been considered the best and prestigious gem all around the world as well as in India. It is found in at least six colors and has connotations for six deities.

According to common belief in Indian culture, green is attached with Vishnu (the Preserver), white with Varuna (god of Oceans), yellow with Indra (god of Heavens), brown with Agni (Fire god), blue with Yama (god of Death) and copper colored with the Maruts (Storm god). Besides the attachment of deities with each color of diamond, a spotless diamond is considered the abode of deities. A perfect diamond is considered to be the one that could float in water and has six elevated tips, eight equal sides and twelve sharp edges.
Apart from being used in ornamentation, gems are believed to have medicinal attributes too. According to the traditional belief the human body is composed of the seven colors of the rainbow, associated with seven kinds of rays. Diseases enter the body when there is a deficiency or excess of any ray in our body. Interestingly, each color is associated with a particular gem, which in turn is associated with a particular planet. Astrologically, a gem is beneficial when worn in the phase of a particular planet, as these stones also affect our health and destiny.