Glass jewelry

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Glass Jewelry

When we talk about jewelry our first thought goes to the ornaments made out of metals like gold, silver, platinum, gemstones and jewels made out of shells, stones, bones and other materials which are found in nature. Glass jewel is one of the unique jewellery in India but the sad thing is that not many of us are familiar with it. Glass bangles are the trademark of Indian feminity. People generally move to gold, silver and platinum jewels ignoring glass jewellery without knowing their importance.The appealing jewels fashioned using glass is stylishly shaped and completed with extreme consideration on each feature. A fabulous combination of elegance and style generate the beautiful glass fashion jewellery.

Indian Glass Jewelry - sets

By having the touch of class and richness, the glass fashion jewellery has set up a lot of support in the midst of bargain hunters, universally. Glass can be found in the form of beads that have hole which is going through them and chatons are those which do not have a hole. Glass bead jewellery, sculpted from the boiling glass, is presented in different colour permutations.

One of the familiar glass jewellery known to many people is the glass bangles. Glass bangles have the Sattva component, Devi Principle and Chaitanya (Celestial cognizance). From this we come to know that because of these sattvik and Chaitanya-predominant waves in the environment are paying attention to the glass bangles. In addition to this, due to the sound produced by the glass bangles, the destructive energies back off. From this we come to know that women�s get more benefits by wearing glass bangles. Apart from bangles, glass jewellery also includes earrings, pendants, and rings, beads that are used to make necklaces, bracelets, anklets and other ornaments. Ornaments of glass are so often made of cast glass pieces, fused glass, and glass beads. The glass beads themselves may be prepared in numerous methods: they may perhaps be wound, drawn, moulded, lamp-worked, or made of dichroic glass.

Fused Glass jewellery

In this nature of glass jewels, glass of not the same colours are cut and pasted together. It is then fired up in a furnace. The single pieces melt down and turn out to be one. It is essential to think of that since dissimilar glasses melt at not the same temperatures, it is vibrant to fuse only pieces that have well-matched melting points.Overheating may cause a hassle fracture that will in the long run cause the glass to smash to smithereens. Fused glass is used to make fascinatingly shaped and coloured ornaments, like lockets.

Wound glass beads

This is another type of glass jewellery. These types of jewellery are prepared by stretching heated squashy glass around a firm core such as a metal wire. It is then moulded with tools or by persuasive or by gently rolling it on a rigid surface. After that, it is decorated.

Drawn Glass Beads

Glass Necklace

These components of glass jewellery are fashioned by inserting a hollow metal pipe into a sphere of hot glass and dragging the glass constituent out to form a glass tube. This tube is then sliced to produce distinct beads. The up-to-the-minute version of the drawn glass beads are micro-beads or seed beads.

Moulded Beads

To create moulded beads, glass rods are heated till they are liquefied. Then they are fed into an instrument that moulds the glass and pricks a hole in it. These beads are then rolled along in hot sand to smoothen them.

Dichroic Glass Beads

The Bhutia tribe Dichroic glass has a squeaky metallic film used on it. As a result of this, when the glass is looked at from different viewpoints, the metallic lustre changes colours.

Lampworked Beads

Glass Earings

In the manufacture of lampworked beads, a torch or flame is used to melt down and figure the glass. The glass is called the �soft glass� or it is also called as "soda-lime glass". The glass is heated up until it is liquefied. It is then combined with other parts and shaped with utensils. As a final point, it is hardened. Hardening is a method by which glass is cooled at an observed degree, such that the pressure is reduced. This avoids the glass from smashing.

There is an additional category of glass jewellery that has not received its due credit.This is sea-glass jewellery. It is prepared by naturally smoothened and refined bits of glass that are washed away onto the oceanfront. Sea-glass is found in several shades, and makes very eye-catching ornaments.

Thus glass jewellery can be fashioned in a lot of different ways. It is all prepared from glass, but each modus operandi forms a specifically dissimilar look in earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.

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