Indian Anklet

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anklet which is also called as the ankle chain or ankle bracelet, is an ornament worn around the ankle. Barefoot anklets and toe rings are historical in India and especially have been worn for centuries by women and girls in India. Even in the West both the casual and more formal anklets have become fashionable in the late twentieth century. While in the western popular culture both younger men and women may even wear casual leather anklets, these are more popular among barefoot women among the tribals.

Formal anklets (of silver, gold, or beads) are used by some women as fashion jewelry. Anklets are the most important piece of jewelry in Indian marriages worn along with lehengas and the sari. Usually an ankle chain is joined by a stretch of chain to limit the step which would be according to the person wearing it. This practice has been more prevalent in South East Asia, where the effect and the idea were to give a 'feminine' short tripping step. Today the western women follow this practice and it has become a fashion statement in the modern times.

Many people are very much interested to know whether the anklets should be worn on right ankle or left ankle as per the rituals and traditions. As a matter of fact, there are no stated regulations on such things it can be worn to any ankle. It all depends on ones comfort and favor.Some wear it in any one ankle and some wear it in both.

Anklets in this modern times play the role of necessary accessories for people. They come in a wide range of designs and materials to be used which glitters all around. Silver and gold are not the only choices to imbibe in the ankle. But nowadats even alloys, ceramic and resin ones are found in the market. A woman wearing an anklet can turn every head in the room with style, by her grace and her own unique sensuality.

The difference between an Indian anklet and an ordinary ankle bracelet which is not made or marketed in India is about the dimension and attitude only the Indian jewelry can bring. The Indian Anklets are fitted with layers of chains and tinkling bells which add sound and animation to every step one takes. For centuries, Indian women have been getting perfect in the art of anklet jewelry making for a comfortable fit and supreme artistic design.

If ones attitude is shy and demure, stay put with your bobby socks, but for the dynamic woman who knows who she is and knows what she wants, the Indian anklet is the ultimate expression of swagger and confidence.

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