Mango Tree is One Among the Most Sacred Trees
The mango tree is considered to be one among the most sacred trees and a sacred symbol of Hinduism in India. It plays a major role in the culture and the tradition of the Hindus. The mango leaves have a lot of religious and scientific significance and is believed to grant lot of wishes. It is supposed to be a symbol of love and Goddess Mahalakshmi. There are lot of mentions about the Mango tree in various Puranas and ethics and is associated with a number of Gods, Goddesses and spirits. The mango tree and its leaves are believed to be the residence of Gods like Lakshmi, Govardhan, Gandharva and the God of fertility. Scientifically it is said to have antibacterial activity against gram positive bacteria. Kama or fertility God is represented by the mango leaves. The hanging of mango leaves near the entrance of the house is popularly known as thoranam.
Custom of Hanging Mango Leaves
-There is an age old tradition and custom of hanging mango leaves at the entrance of the houses for it is believed to ward off evil spirits or any negative energy entering the house. The mango leaves are mainly hanged at the entrance of places of celebrations whether it may be home or common places. There are mentions about the hanging of mango leaves even in Bhagavat Gita,
'At each and every gate there were burning lamps and big water pots decorated with differently colored cloth, strings of pearls, flower garlands and hanging mango leaves.' (Srimad Bhagavatam 4.9.55)
ccasions in Hanging of Mango Leaves
-'Vrajapura, the residence of Nanda Maharaja, was fully decorated with varieties of festoons and flags, and in different places, gates were made with varieties of flower garlands, pieces of cloth, and mango leaves......' (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.5.6)
There are no religious festival or any happy occasions in the house which takes place without the hanging of mango leaves. Most of the Hindu religious ceremonies show the common site of five leaves of mango tree in a pot smeared with sindoor or vermilion. For its various significance this tree planted and worshipped by devout.
Hanging of Mango Leaves-significance
-The hanging of mango leaves is not only done at the time of festivals and special occasions but also otherwise on normal days it is considered a blessing to the house. One will never miss the site of hanging mango leaves in a wedding house for it ensures that the couple bear plenty of children. The entrance of newly built houses is mainly adorned by mango leaves to signify good fortune to the house and to its members. Mangoes are represented in religious themes of South Asia's diverse communities, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christian. There are even legends which state that Lord Shiva as Linga or in the phallic form took place under a mango tree. The Buddhist folklore tells a lot about the significance of mango tree and its leaves. Mango leaves feature in the Jataka tales and frequently appears in Buddhist art.
Stories in the Jataka Tales
-The stories in the Jataka tales narrate about the Great Miracle of Sravasti that took place when Buddha converted people by miraculously reproducing himself in various forms in front of a mango tree. Some of the main religious significance behind the hanging of mango leaves is, it is supposed to be a symbol of fertility and a sign of auspiciousness. It represents Goddess Mahalakshmi and prevents any negative energy from entering the house and thereby protects the household from any drushti dosham. Scientifically it releases lot of oxygen and it helps in promoting hygiene and health.