Making Rangoli At The Entrance


Rangoli MakingRangoliRangoli Making

Rangoli MakingThe Science of Making Rangoli

There are lots of reasons behind the science of making rangoli at the entrance of the house. It is a sign of Goddess Mahalakshmi and also it is believed that as the lady of the house makes this rangoli she will be chanting sacred mantras which will guard her house and her family members from evil forces. Rangolis are supposed to bring disposition free from stress or emotion and also one gets the feeling of entering a temple. Apart from being an ornamental phenomenon, the science behind it is to create a positive energy pool. The tradition of drawing figures at the doorstep is supposed to be a unique culture followed by the Tamils.

Rangoli MakingRangoli Separates the Inner and Outer World

-The Indians believe that the closed continuous figures of the kolam depicts the never -ending cycle of birth and death. Also it is believed that the rangoli separates the inner and outer world guarding the household and also gives a warm welcome to the guests. When we cross a rangoli we get the feeling of disconnected from the past and the future and forced to remain in the present. Thus we feel good to enter a house and also we leave the house with good vibrations. Rangoli plays a major role at the time of special occasions, religious and social festivals.

Rangoli MakingRangoli is the Origin of Spirituality

Rangoli For Functions
-Rangoli is the origin of spirituality through art in India. The ladies of South India especially follow the custom of making rangoli early in the morning before dawn for they believe in welcoming Lord Thirumal who was married to Andal in the month of Markazhi. There are lots of references about rangoli in the Hindu mythology. Even now the traditional way of making a rangoli powder is with rice flour for the people believe in the concept of feeding the tiny creatures like the ant. The rangoli is not supposed to be removed from the sweep or legs but they are mixed with water fountains or mud and is removed from the hands. There are both traditional and modern designs of rangoli which are mostly inspired by nature.

    Agni Homa
    Anklet Oddiyaanam
    Baby Tossing
    Banana Tree
    Bengali Wedding
    Betel Leaf
    Bihari Wedding
    Bilva Tree
    Blowing Conch
    Bringing Cow
    Cumin Seeds
    Doing Namaste
    Durva Grass
    Ear Piercing
    Feeding Crow
    Fire Walking
    Going Round Fire
    Grindstone Treading
    Holy Ash
    Kasi Yatra
    Kumaoni Wedding
    Lighting Lamp
    Lotus Flower
    Making Rangoli
    Mango Leaves
    Metti Toering
    Navarathri Rituals
    Neem Leaves
    Offering Coconut
    Offering Food
    Peepal Tree
    Performing Aarti
    Prayer Room
    Rakhi Festival
    Ringing Bell
    Sapta Padi
    Self Flagellation
    Shanthi Thrice
    Sprinkling Water
    Three Rice Balls
    Thristi Pottu
    Tongue Piercing
    Tossing Rice
    Elders Feet
    Tulasi Worship
    Turmeric Sugarcane
    Tying Charm
    Grass Rope
    Three Knots
    Watering Banyan
    Wearing Bindhi

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