History About Kumaoni Wedding


Tradition About Kumaoni WeddingSignificance of Kumaoni WeddingTradition About Kumaoni Wedding

Tradition About Kumaoni WeddingPeople of Himachal Pradesh are known as Kumaonis

The people of Himachal Pradesh are generally known as Kumaonis and their unique marriage ceremonies sets the Himachali's wedding apart. Though weddings are less expensive and simple but are duly performed with a number of rituals and traditions. Not only in villages of the state but almost in most of the Kumaoni traditional weddings a white flag known as 'Nishan' leads the marriage procession representing the bridegroom. The Nishan is followed by drummers, pipers and a white palanquin carrying the groom.

Tradition About Kumaoni WeddingEnd of the Procession is Marked by a Person Carrying a Red Flag

-The end of the procession is marked by a person carrying a red flag who represents the bride. Once all the wedding ceremonies are over at the girl's place and when the marriage part returns back it is the other way round, where the red flag takes the lead followed by a red palanquin of the bride, succeeded by the white palanquin of the groom, and the white flag at the tail end of the procession.

Tradition About Kumaoni WeddingKumaoni Wedding nvolves the Kneading of the Wheat Flour

Customs of Kumaoni Wedding
Usually among most of the religions in India as a part of engagement, rings are exchanged between the bride and the groom. But this is quite different in Kumaoni wedding for the ring is given to the bride by the brother of the groom to the would be sister- in -law and the groom's ring is given to the younger brother normally on the wedding day itself.

Suwal Pathai is one of the important ritual in Kumaoni wedding which involves the kneading of the wheat flour and rolled much thinner than the rotis and sundried. Then it is dipped in the dry flour and fried in oil and is first offered to God and then to all the guests. This is then followed by Duligargh and flowers are exchanged between the bride and the groom. This common folklore is followed in most parts of Himachal Pradesh.

    Agni Homa
    Anklet Oddiyaanam
    Baby Tossing
    Banana Tree
    Bengali Wedding
    Betel Leaf
    Bihari Wedding
    Bilva Tree
    Blowing Conch
    Bringing Cow
    Cumin Seeds
    Doing Namaste
    Durva Grass
    Ear Piercing
    Feeding Crow
    Fire Walking
    Going Round Fire
    Grindstone Treading
    Holy Ash
    Kasi Yatra
    Kumaoni Wedding
    Lighting Lamp
    Lotus Flower
    Making Rangoli
    Mango Leaves
    Metti Toering
    Navarathri Rituals
    Neem Leaves
    Offering Coconut
    Offering Food
    Peepal Tree
    Performing Aarti
    Prayer Room
    Rakhi Festival
    Ringing Bell
    Sapta Padi
    Self Flagellation
    Shanthi Thrice
    Sprinkling Water
    Three Rice Balls
    Thristi Pottu
    Tongue Piercing
    Tossing Rice
    Elders Feet
    Tulasi Worship
    Turmeric Sugarcane
    Tying Charm
    Grass Rope
    Three Knots
    Watering Banyan
    Wearing Bindhi

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