Significance of Indian Folklore


Story About Indian FolkloreIndian FolkloresStory About Indian Folklore

Agni Homa
Agni the the Hindu diety one among the chief of Gods is popularly known as the God of fire and also the acceptor of sacrifices.
Wedding Agni Homa
The most important part of any Hindu wedding is the homage paid by the couple to the Fire God, Agni.
Angapradashinam is one of the most sacred rituals followed by the Hindus in India.
Anklet Oddiyaanam
Anklets known as kolusu in Tamil and ghungru in Hindi have lot of significance behind its usage..
Baby Tossing
Children's rights groups have put an end to the practice of Baby tossing ritual held in some parts of India.
Banana Tree
Plantain or the Banana tree is known for its eternal evergreen factor thereby signifying an endless generation.
Bengali Wedding
A traditional Bengali Wedding is generally arranged by matchmakers who are popularly known as Ghotoks.
Betel Leaf
Betel leaves along with areca nuts symbolize love and marriage.
Bihari Wedding
The balancing of earthen pots by the bride is a very interesting post wedding ritual in Bihari marriages.
Bilva Tree
The Bilva tree is considered to be a very sacred tree in Hinduism because of its sacrificial importance.
Blowing Conch
The conchs are also known as chank shell and it is a significant object in all the rituals performed by the Hindus.
Bringing Cow
The bringing of cow into a newly built house is also known as Govardhana pooja.
Bringing Cow
The idol in the sanctum is always said to be very powerful and is manifested with positive energy.
Bringing Cow
Cumin seeds and jaggery play a major role in Hindu weddings which is made into a paste.
Doing Namaste
Namaste literally means- I bow to you my greetings, obeisance or prostration to you.
Durva Grass
The scientific name of the durva grass is Agrostis linearis.This grass is considered to be very sacred in Hinduism.
Ear Piercing
Karnavedha is the practice of the piercing of the ears and it is one of the important Hindu Samskaras or spiritual ceremony.
According to Hinduism fasting is the act of saying no to the physical requirements of the body in order to attain spiritual power.
Feeding Crows
According to the Hindu religion, there is a belief that the ancestors come in the form of crows.
Fire Walking
The ritual of walking on the fire is also popularly known as Theemithi which is celebrated as an international Hindu festival.
Going Round Fire
It is a customary ritual among the Hindus where at the time of wedding the married couples go round the fire.
Grindstone Treading
The ceremony of placing the brides feet on the grinding stone is a very important ceremony in the Hindu weddings.
Holy Ash
Vibhuti is also known by other names like Bhasma and Holy ash. The Sanskrit meaning for the word Vibhuti means glory.
Kaasi Yatra
This ancient practice of Kasi Yaatrai is not only followed by the Brahmin community but by others as well in India.
Kumaoni Wedding
The people of Himachal Pradesh are generally known as Kumaonis and their unique marriage ceremonies are a sight to behold.
Lighting Lamp
Light and darkness the contrasting features symbolize two different factors namely the former indicates knowledge.
Lotus Flower
The lotus flower signifies purity in one's spirit for even when it is grown in the dirtiest water.
Making Rangoli
There are lots of reasons behind the science of making rangoli at the entrance of the house.
Mango Leaves
The mango tree is considered to be one among the most sacred trees and a sacred symbol of Hinduism.
Mango Leaves
The Hindus follow the traditional custom of wearing toe ring more popularly known as metti.
Navarathri Rituals
Navrathri the most significant festival of the Hindus falls on the lunar month of Ashwin which is in September/October.
Neem Leaves
Neem tree is one of the widely grown tree in almost all parts of India. It has medicinal properties attached.
Offering Coconut
The coconut is considered to be the most satvic fruit and the most purest form of fruit.
Offering Food
Most of the Hindus follow the practice of offering food to God before they eat it.
Peepal Tree
Scientifically known as Ficus religious, the peepal tree has its mention even in the ancient Indus Valley civilization .
Performing Aarti
The concept of offering Aarti is said to have originated from the fire rituals or homa of Vedic period.
Prayer Room
Almost all the Hindu houses are said to have a prayer room and are much pre-planned and built during the construction.
The main reason behind tying a pumpkin at the entrance of the house is to nullify the effect of the evil eyes.
Rakhi Festival
The tying of the Rakhi denotes the love between a brother and a sister and has more significance in India..
Remove Footwear
It is a custom in Hinduism to remove the footwear outside the sacred temple premises.
Ringing Bell
The Sanskrit word for bell is Ghanta/Ghanti which is mainly used at time of poojas for invoking the Gods.
Sapta Padi
The significance behind the performance of the Sapta padi ritual is that the bride and the groom take few vows.
Self Flagellation
Self flagellation is a ritual or the action of flogging oneself, especially as a form of religious discipline.
Self Flagellation
The more common term for the word Shanthi is peace which is nothing but the natural state of us.
Sprinkling Water
According to Hinduism food is considered to be one of the most vital things which are said to be a part of God.
The word Thirunamam in Sanskrit means- "Thiru" stands for sacredness and "namam" stands for name.
Three Rice Balls
The ceremony of Shraddha is a Hindu ritual and the Sanskrit meaning of it is homage pay to the ancestors.
Thristi Pottu
The concept of evil eye is a widespread one which is been believed by Indians from time immemorial.
Tongue Piercing
Tongue piercing is done in some parts of India during temple festivals as a tribute to the Gods .
Tossing Rice
In Indian weddings people follow various customs and one such ritual is the tossing of rice on the married couple.
Touching Elders Feet
There is no religious significance behind the touching of the elders feet by the youngsters but it signifies respect.
Tulasi Worship
The worship of Tulasi is still continued by the Indians which are a part of Vedic tradition.
Turmeric Sugarcane
Turmeric and sugar cane are mainly used at the celebration of Pongal festivals.
Tying Charm
The tying of charm is again a very important ritual performed at time of Indian weddings.
Tying Grass rope
Usually in Hindu weddings a rope or a string kind of grass is tied in the hand of the bride and the groom.
Tying Three Knots
Mangalayam Dharanam is one of the most essential parts of Hindu weddings.
Vidaai is another important custom which takes place after the wedding ceremony .
Watering Banyan
In India watering of Banyan trees in the vicinity of temples is followed by womenfolk who pray for progeny. .
Wearing Bindhi
The people of South East Asian countries are very much attached to the concept of Bindi.

    Agni Homa
    Anklet Oddiyaanam
    Baby Tossing
    Banana Tree
    Bengali Wedding
    Betel Leaf
    Bihari Wedding
    Bilva Tree
    Blowing Conch
    Bringing Cow
    Cumin Seeds
    Doing Namaste
    Durva Grass
    Ear Piercing
    Feeding Crow
    Fire Walking
    Going Round Fire
    Grindstone Treading
    Holy Ash
    Kasi Yatra
    Kumaoni Wedding
    Lighting Lamp
    Lotus Flower
    Making Rangoli
    Mango Leaves
    Metti Toering
    Navarathri Rituals
    Neem Leaves
    Offering Coconut
    Offering Food
    Peepal Tree
    Performing Aarti
    Prayer Room
    Rakhi Festival
    Ringing Bell
    Sapta Padi
    Self Flagellation
    Shanthi Thrice
    Sprinkling Water
    Three Rice Balls
    Thristi Pottu
    Tongue Piercing
    Tossing Rice
    Elders Feet
    Tulasi Worship
    Turmeric Sugarcane
    Tying Charm
    Grass Rope
    Three Knots
    Watering Banyan
    Wearing Bindhi

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