Ancestors Come in the Form of Crows
TAccording to the Hindu religion, there is a belief that the ancestors come in the form of crows. Apart from the crow there are other birds like Garuda, owl, swan, etc which play a great role in the Indian mythology.Crows are supposed to be the most intelligent birds in the world for a deep study of them shows how they bring up their young ones in an orderly manner and live in unity.
Crows are known for their unity for when food is offered for a crow it is not a single crow which comes to feed on it but a number of crows come together and take the food.
Crow's link the dead and the alive
The Hindus strongly believe that crows play major role in linking the dead and the living people. Thus by feeding the crows they in turn take or carry the food to our dead ancestors or relatives. This practice of feeding our ancestors through the crow is known as Shradh. There is a belief among the Hindus that when a crow makes sound in a house then the people living in that house are likely to get guests. There are other theories which say that the crows are not the representatives of our ancestors but instead the Apes are referred to our dead forefathers. According to the latest belief the crows are the only birds which can communicate and act as a messenger to the pitru loka.When food is offered to our pithrus or the ancestors the way a crow acts at that part of the time plays a major role in knowing the lakshana shastram.Crows eating defines nature of ancestors -