History About Bihari Wedding


Bihari WeddingBalancing Earthen PotsBihari Wedding

Bihari WeddingBalancing of Earthen Pots by the Bride

The balancing of earthen pots by the bride is a very interesting post wedding ritual which is brought in action by the grooms family when the newly married has come home. This is a very ancient practice among the Bihari's who still follow this tradition as a part of fun. Though the main significance behind the balancing of the earthern pot is to see how well the daughter- in- law can adjust to her new family and the responsibilities of the new life. Once the bride enters the house the mother -in- law places an earthen pot on the bride's head.

Bihari WeddingBride Could Balance the First Pot -

Even before the bride could balance the first pot the mother- in- law stacks her daughter- in- law with more pots just to make a pile. Simultaneously the bride is expected to fall at the feet of her elders in the house. This is witnessed by the gathering only to see how many pots the bride can balance which apparently informs the ability of the bride at balancing the family and taking it in peace forward. This is a folklore that is prevalant in some parts of Bihar in India.

    Agni Homa
    Anklet Oddiyaanam
    Baby Tossing
    Banana Tree
    Bengali Wedding
    Betel Leaf
    Bihari Wedding
    Bilva Tree
    Blowing Conch
    Bringing Cow
    Cumin Seeds
    Doing Namaste
    Durva Grass
    Ear Piercing
    Feeding Crow
    Fire Walking
    Going Round Fire
    Grindstone Treading
    Holy Ash
    Kasi Yatra
    Kumaoni Wedding
    Lighting Lamp
    Lotus Flower
    Making Rangoli
    Mango Leaves
    Metti Toering
    Navarathri Rituals
    Neem Leaves
    Offering Coconut
    Offering Food
    Peepal Tree
    Performing Aarti
    Prayer Room
    Rakhi Festival
    Ringing Bell
    Sapta Padi
    Self Flagellation
    Shanthi Thrice
    Sprinkling Water
    Three Rice Balls
    Thristi Pottu
    Tongue Piercing
    Tossing Rice
    Elders Feet
    Tulasi Worship
    Turmeric Sugarcane
    Tying Charm
    Grass Rope
    Three Knots
    Watering Banyan
    Wearing Bindhi

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