Significance Of Anklet And Oddiyaanam


Anklet oddiyaanam DesignsAnklet And OddiyaanamAnklet oddiyaanam Designs

Anklet oddiyaanam DesignsAnklets known as kolusu in Tamil

Anklets known as kolusu in Tamil and ghungru in Hindi have lot of significance behind its usage. It is worn above the feet joint in the ankles and is believed to regenerate the energy wasted back into our own body. Though this is not scientifically proved till now, the Indian women from ancient period are seen to wear this ornament. The anklets are not age- specific for it is worn by women of all ages and walks. It is available in various designs both intricate and elaborate designs which makes the women really look pretty.

Something similar to the anklet is the "kaappu" made of silver and is used for the children usually from the 11th day after they are born.It is part of the naming ceremony or the Naamakaranam when the kaappu are made to be worn by the babies. Depending on the individuals affordability the kaappu can be worn either in silver or copper or gold.

Anklet oddiyaanam DesignsOddiyaanam or Hip Belt

Also another ornament known as Oddiyaanam or the hip belt which is not though in vogue today but history says about the use of it in olden days. It is very particularly used to control women from getting fatter and to avoid flabs in hip and pot belly. Nowadays women have started to wear this atleast once during their weddings.

The nose ring is commonly known as the mookuthi by the Tamil people. The custom of wearing of the nose ring varies from state to state and also among the various castes in India. It is worn by women either on the left or the right side and sometimes even on both the sides. Apart from the beautifying purpose it is believed to regularize our breath by expelling the poison coming out while exhaling carbon. The ancient medical system infers that piercing of any vein will make a simple labor of the concerned person in future.

    Agni Homa
    Anklet Oddiyaanam
    Baby Tossing
    Banana Tree
    Bengali Wedding
    Betel Leaf
    Bihari Wedding
    Bilva Tree
    Blowing Conch
    Bringing Cow
    Cumin Seeds
    Doing Namaste
    Durva Grass
    Ear Piercing
    Feeding Crow
    Fire Walking
    Going Round Fire
    Grindstone Treading
    Holy Ash
    Kasi Yatra
    Kumaoni Wedding
    Lighting Lamp
    Lotus Flower
    Making Rangoli
    Mango Leaves
    Metti Toering
    Navarathri Rituals
    Neem Leaves
    Offering Coconut
    Offering Food
    Peepal Tree
    Performing Aarti
    Prayer Room
    Rakhi Festival
    Ringing Bell
    Sapta Padi
    Self Flagellation
    Shanthi Thrice
    Sprinkling Water
    Three Rice Balls
    Thristi Pottu
    Tongue Piercing
    Tossing Rice
    Elders Feet
    Tulasi Worship
    Turmeric Sugarcane
    Tying Charm
    Grass Rope
    Three Knots
    Watering Banyan
    Wearing Bindhi

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