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Introduction to the Career

Someone has rightly pointed out that "It is beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart." In today's world, everyone wants to stay ahead, everyone needs that oozing confidence, and everyone yearns for that good looks.

And with the recent boom in the entertainment industry, the demand for good looks has risen like never before. No doubt cinema, television and theater artists depend a lot on their make-up men because only these professionals can give them the desired looks. But, nowadays regular office goers, schools and college students and even house-wives have also become quite conscious about the way they look. Truly speaking, a good make-up artist is in demand in every sphere of life. So, pursuing a career in this field does make great sense. An entrepreneur can give a thought to start his/ her own beauty salon or cosmetic company. However, if someone is looking for job opportunities with employers, the choices are still very bright.

Job Opportunities for Make-up Artist

As Calvin Klein says - "The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural". Not everyone can master this creative art. One needs strong imagination, understanding, research and hard work. Professionals, who can make the thorough use of cosmetics, wigs and other tools to give that desired looks can easily succeed.

Make-up artists are much needed in the glamour and glitz industry. Theater, television and film stars need the help of an expert make-up artist to get that complete look for a character they are playing.A make-up person has to keep different criteria in mind while applying cosmetics to a performer. Whether the person is playing a negative role or a positive character, a make-up man needs to be careful and imaginative about the kind of look he is supposed to give.

Further, India is dotted with hundreds of department stores. Some department stores hire makeup artists to apply mascara and lipsticks on customers as a free service. This is a part of their marketing strategies to promote cosmetic products. In numerous cosmetic companies, makeup artists are absorbed as consultants.

In addition, events like fashion shows, weddings and social gatherings have become a common phenomenon. Good make-up artists are highly sought during these occasions. Beauty parlors, advertising agencies and magazines also recruit make-up artists at handsome packages.

Salary of Make-up Artist

A make-up artist must be comfortable working with flexible hours. It is indeed a positive part of his or her career. As far as growth prospects are concerned, it can be said that whether the person is working for any establishment or his own venture, the earnings are always attractive. But few things like experience, expertise, skills and working hours need to be taken into account while talking about the salary.
In the beginning most of the candidates may not find this profession very lucrative. They are offered somewhere between Rs.5, 000 and Rs.7, 000 at initial stage. Those who are been hired for a particular advertising campaign can get Rs 2, 000 to Rs 3,000 a day. However, once he or she gains 3 to 5 years experience in this field, salary may increase to Rs. 30,000 - Rs. 40,000 a month. Initially, professionals can expect a package of around Rs. 8,000 to Rs 15,000 per session. But, these figures mostly improve with his or her experience or reputation in the market.

Personality Traits of a Make-up Artist

For a promising career as a make-up artist, you need to imbibe important personality traits. Pleasing attitude and attractive personality, dexterity, sound health, stamina and excellent communication skills are some of the basic requirements. You have to be aware of the latest fashion trends. Hygiene and cleanliness are the other pre-requisites. Imagination, creativity are a must and they should possess complete knowledge of the cosmetics and other related products. These play an integral role in determining the positive course in this field.

Academic Qualification for Make-up Artist

To pursue a career in this field of cosmetology, you don't need to go for elaborate academic courses. With hard work, mostly with perseverance and dedication, one can make good fortunes. But, a professional course will always help the candidates who are very much interested to pursue their carees as Makeup artist and get an edge over the others. To build a career in this kind of sphere, one has the option to do specialization in make-up under any major academy.

Make-up Institutes in India

One who is mostly interested will come across several make-up institutes in urban and metropolitan cities in India. Most institutes in this modern day provide short and long term courses in this discipline to help one to achieve success. If the candidate is serious about the choice and want to give it a try he/she should be able to first polish his or her knowledge by enrolling in any reputed make-up institute in India.

Makeup Artist

Some of the Top institutes are as follows
Shehnaz Herbal Women's World International
This is one of the popular institutes in India where students can pursue excellent makeup courses and build their careers.
Address:Sea Bird Building, Bandra, Mumbai 400005, India
Dr. Dharmambal Government Polytechnic for Women:
This reputed institute has designed one year cosmetology course for aspiring candidates.
Address: Tharamani, Chennai - 600 113, Tamil Nadu, IndiaPh No: 044 - 2254 2013 Email: ddgpcw@yahoo.co.in
International Polytechnic for Women:
This premier institute is well known for providing postgraduate diploma courses in Beauty Technology and Cosmetology.
Address:SCO-447-448, Sector-35C, Chandigarh-160022, India Ph No: 0172-2603352,2661156,
VLCC Institute of Beauty, Health and Management:
Set up in 2001, the reputed institute offers short and long term beauty courses to aspiring candidates in this field.
Address: 4th floor, GVR Towers, Laxmi Nagar Colony, Near Telephone Exchange, Kothapet, Dilsuknagar, Hyderabad-36, India Ph No: 040- 24051062/63 Email: institute2.hyd@vlcc.co.in in this field.

Pivot Point Beauty School:

This is one of the renowned beauty schools in India where you can look for a variety of courses in this field of cosmetology. Address: J-1 (First Floor), Kailash Colony, New Delhi (Delhi) - 110048, India Ph No: 011-6448427/6239542 Email: info@pivotpointindia.com

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