Ayurveda Medicine


Ayurveda is the science of healthy and diseases free life. It is the knowledge that is abundantly supplied with guidelines which, if followed scrupulously and regularly, would spare the agony of diseases. The science of Ayurveda is based on sound principles of diagnosis which requires no clinical or costly investigations which are beyond reach of the common and less privileged person.

Ayurveda Pareeksha
Ayurvedic science has discovered that a person falls sick only when there is an imbalance and disproportionate ratio in Vata (air), Kapha (Phelgm) and Pitta (Bile).Sometimes we resort to conventional methods for the most common and chronic disorders which can be easily overcome by simple natural ayurvedic herbs without any side effects and they never go only by the words of the patients but instead do a thorough examination of the body to find out the root cause of the ailment in the patients. They mainly aim at finding the exact reason behind the diseases rather than simply trying to suppress the symptoms.

Ayurveda thoroughly analyzes the total condition of a patient's body to find the underlying symptoms instead of finding methods to suppress the symptoms. Thus to find out the real source of the diseases ayurveda follows certain tests and examinations which are must. The tests involved are characterized into three divisions. This is referred as 'rogi pariksha' in Ayurvedic terms. The examination of the patient in three different stages helps in finding out the possible reason for the diseases or the ailment in the patient's body. They are
In Darsanam the general characteristics of the patient's body is thoroughly studied by a keen observation and inspection. During this session factors like age along with the total history of the patient is recorded and only then it is further preceded.

Sparsanam proceeds with three different techniques namely Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation. In this division of examination observation is done by the touch method.

Here the patient is examined by questioning formally about his ailments and the symptoms or the difficulties he/she is undergoing because of the diseases. This is done mainly to synchronize or to cross verify the conclusion of the doctor with that of the patients.

Dasavidha & Ashtasthana Pareeksha
Apart from Darsanam, Sparsanam and Prasnam the Ayurvedic Pareeksha involves other detailed examination to find the various causes behind the diseases. In the Dasavidha & Ashtasthana Pareeksha there are certain factors which are taken into consideration during the examination and tests carried out with the patients. The Dasavidha Pareeksha is done keeping in mind with the fixed ten factors and the Ashtasthana Pareeksha considering eight factors.

Dasavidha Pareeksha
Regarding the structural and functional abnormalities of the body
Geographical situation of the place where patient lives
hysical strength
The season and climatic conditions
The digestive system of the patient
The natural thridosha constitution of the body
Age of the patient
Psychological strength of the patient
General & personal habits of the patient
Nature of food

Ashtasthana Pareeksha (Eightfold Examination)
Faecal matter
Tongue taste
Voice and speech of the patient
Touch,skin and tactile sense
Eyes and vision
General body build


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