Ayurveda Medicine


The herbs commonly used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicine are highly nutritive with lot of healing properties. Today, Ayurveda and its herbal treatment flourishes side by side with Homeopathic, Unani Tibb and Western conventional medicine and is actively encouraged as an inexpensive alternative to drugs.

Ayurvedic Effects
Ayurvedic medicines prepared from the medicines are said to have no side effects. Each herb is unique in its medicinal properties with a good aroma and flavour.It acts as a perfect mechanism in bringing a balanced harmony between the mind and spirit. When compared to other synthetic drugs ayurvedic herbal medicines do not cause any side effects. It works effectively fighting against various infections and diseases and thereby gaining quick recovery. These Ayurvedic medicine are hypothetical substance which promises to maintain life indefinitely.

Ayurvedis science works for a good genetically determined characteristics of both the external and internal features rather than simply focusing on curing a diseases.Ayurvedic herbal medicines calls for an internal harmony of various body parts as well as achieving body's harmony with the surrounding nature and environment. They rejuvenate the whole system rather than the focus being concentrated towards a specific organ of the body.

Effects/Benefits of Ayurvedic Herbs
  • The Ayurvedic herbs are holistic in approach where they aid in proper absorption and thereby good digestion. The Ayurvedic herbs are considered to be a source of refreshing energy for both the mind and the soul rather than simply the substitute of proteins, vitamins and other essential minerals. They also act as an appetizer.
  • It is not diseases specific, for its therapeutic degree varies in a broadband spectrum and also act as a preventive medicine. It helps in rejuvenation of the entire immune system of the body.
  • The entire body system is enhanced with boosting up of energy accompanied by the enlightenment of the soul, cognitive organs and the mind.
  • Ayurvedic medicines also claim that it helps in treating with metabolic and certain chronic conditions.
  • When attacked by infections Ayurvedic herbal medicines varies for each individual for it is based on various factors like age, gender, the doshic tendencies, the strength of body tissues and digestive fires and the level of ama (toxins) in their body.
  • It comes in par with the allopathic medicines and sometimes even cures challenging diseases like cancer, AIDS and autoimmune disorders.
  • Herbal remedies are self contained, and nutritive rendering them harmless and non toxic.
  • Ayurveda deals not merely with medical science, but also with the social, ethical, intellectual & spiritual life of man. The main benefit of Ayurvedic medicine is that it s free from causing side effects.
  • Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and non-toxic, so it can be used safely as an alternative therapy or alongside conventional therapies.
There are so many beneficial advantages related to the usage of these medicines. Based on their usage they are available in various forms. They are

Internal Application
  • For any internal consumption medicines come in the form of encapsulated herbs, fresh herbs, flower essences and essential oil dilutions.
  • Sometimes when the curative diseases involves organs like heart, lungs, liver, kidney etc.the media is usually water, honey, oil, ghee and milk.
External Application
  • For any skin related diseases the application or the usage of the medicines are mainly involves external application of the herbal medicines.
  • The externally applied medicines are mainly in the form of essential oil blends, liniments, ointments, lotions, massage oils, pastes or body wraps.
  • External application treatment is used mainly to cure joint problems, dizziness, muscular problems, wounds, cuts and other skin diseases.


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