Ayurvedic medicines prepared from the herbs are said to have no side effects. Herbs play a major role in Ayurvedic system. Herbs possess infinite potencies or Saktis and work wonders. A small herb dissolves stones in the bladder, kidneys and gall-bladder in a minute or the twinkling of an eye.
An Ayurvedic herb is a plant source which is used in the preparation of ayurvedic medicines. The plant on the whole with its leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, roots, roots bark, and resin has medicinal values apart from its flavour and fragrance. It acts as a perfect mechanism in bringing a balanced harmony between the mind and spirit. When compared to other synthetic drugs ayurvedic herbal medicines do not cause any side effects. It works effectively fighting against various infections and diseases and thereby gaining quick recovery.Ayurveda is a perfect science of life and consists of a body of most remarkable knowledge on the internal mechanism of human health and longevity, on medicinal herbs and therapeutic roots, on the efficacious treatment of human ills by eradicating from the human system the very sources of their causation. The Ayurvedic science which works based on the herbs promises wonders to mankind when taken in a wise and prudent manner.
Importance of Herbs in Ayurveda
- Apart from timely cure the ayurvedic herbs gives a permanent relief from the diseases by removing the metabolic toxins from our body. They generally boost up the immunity of a person and purify the blood and act as blood cleansers. The herbs which are generally used for the above purposes are ginseng, aloe, sandalwood, red clover, burdock, bayberry, black pepper, cinnamon, myrrh, and safflower.
- Apart from the healing nature and property of the herbs they also serve as a tonic which increases one's nutrition thus helping in the rejuvenation of the body cells and tissues. These herbs falls into a wide category and to name some of them are guduchi, katuka, golden seal, aloe, barberry and bala.
- Vulnerary herbs are those promote healing of wounds with broken skin such as abscesses, eruptions and cuts. The common vulnerary herbs include Honey, turmeric, marshmallow and licorice.
- Black pepper, sandalwood, safflower and brihati act as antipyretic or anti inflammatory herbs and are often suggested by the Ayurvedic practitioners for it is proven to reduce the heat produced in our body due to various factors.
- There are many herbs which are used as stimulants and thereby energizing and increasing the total activity of the body. They include herbs like camphor, cayenne, myrrh, guggul and gotu kola.
- In Ayurveda most of the herbs are considered to be having the property of acting as an antiseptic with high medicinal value. Some of the herbs which are antiseptic in nature are Aloe, sandalwood, turmeric, chitrak and gokshura.
- There are also herbs in ayurveda which are used as antivenomous agents and to remove the poison from our body mainly when bitten by a snake or other venomous creatures or reptiles.
- Certain aromatic herbs like cardamom and coriander are renowned for their appetizing qualities. Other aromatic herbs such as cloves, peppermint and turmeric add a pleasant aroma to the food, thereby increasing the taste of the meal. They serve as digestives and condiments for the food as well.
- There are herbs which act as cardiac stimulants, promote blood circulation and thereby preventing from heart related diseases. Some of them are Chamomile, chrysanthemum, coriander, fennel, peppermint, and spearmint, ajwan, basil, calamus, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric.
- Turmeric is widely used all over India mainly in treating small wounds and cuts. It fights the growth of foreign particles in our body like germs, harmful microbes and bacteria. It is usually used as a home remedy herbal ayurvedic medicine. It is also used in treating ringworms, obstinate itching, eczema and other parasitic skin diseases.
- Herbs like sandalwood and cinnamon also act as astringents where the former is noted for blood clotting or arresting the discharge of blood, mucus etc from our body.
- There are many herbs with aromatic property which are of great importance in reducing the toxins present in the blood and if any infection present in the body then it helps in curing it. At times they also act as mild tonic. The herbs coming under this category includes aromatic plants like aloe, barberry, golden seal and chirayat.
- Certain herbs like Valerian, Chamomile and Passion Flower are also used as sedatives which give soothing feeling both mentally and physically.
- The herbs which come under the disinfectant category mainly destroy the diseases causing infectious germs. They also fight against the growth of pathogenic microbes in the body.
- Marshmallow root and leaf act as antacids for they are rich source of healthy gastric acid which is very much essential for digestion. They act by neutralizing the acids secreted by the stomach.
- The herbs with the expectorant property functions by thinning and ejection of mucus from the lungs and the upper respiratory tract like trachea and bronchi. Some of those herbs which act as expectorants are ginger, cloves, cardamom, eucalyptus and wild cherry.