The Ayurvedic science includes factors like herbal medicine, dietetics, body work, surgery, psychology and, spirituality.Ayurveda deals not merely with medical science, but also with the social, ethical, intellectual & spiritual life of man. The science of Ayurveda is based on sound principles of diagnosis which requires no clinical or costly investigations which are beyond reach of the common and less privileged person.Ayurvedic science has discovered that a person falls sick only when there is an imbalance and disproportionate ratio in Vata (air), Kapha (Phelgm) and Pitta (Bile).
Thus ultimately it calls for an internal harmony of various body parts as well as achieving body's harmony with the surrounding nature and environment. Dating back to history, the Ayurvedic science which mainly revolves round the holistic approaches of the Veda and Vedic culture was granted by the creator God, Lord Brahma to Daksha Prajapati.

The ancient Vedic culture took this concept of constitutional medicine to its highest development in the form of Ayurvedic medicine and in this science, medicine was considered inferior to food and herbs ingested on a daily basis.Ayurveda is divided into nearly eight branches where it deals with different organs and age groups. These branches are Kayachikitsa or Internal Medicine, Shalya Tantra, which covers Surgery, Shalakya Tantra that entails treatment over the Ears, Eyes, Nose and Throat.Kaumarabhritya Tantra, Agada Tantra, Bajikarana Tantra, Rasayana Tantra and Bhuta Vidya cover Pediatrics, Toxicology, Purification of genetic organs, health and longevity and psychiatry or spiritual healing respectively.
Ayurveda provides us with both physical and mental routines with which we can balance prana and break destructive mental and physical habits. Physical ailments are divided into two categories ordinary and serious, where the former can be corrected by a change in daily routine, including diet and exercises and the later can be cured only if self knowledge is recognized which otherwise will lead to a total disturbance of physical and psychic features. When there is a disturbance in the metabolic process which will lead to indigestion, excessive appetite or improper functioning of the digestive system. This is one of the main factor why Ayurveda pays so much of importance on health of the digestive system which otherwise might lead to mental afflictions leading to an imbalance in the pranic flow.
But the science of Ayurveda states that even when there is a disturbance in the pranic flow it can be corrected by following a daily healthy eating habit and living habits. The treatment here mainly involves medicines of the traditional method made mainly out of herbs, plants and minerals in the form of powders, tablets, decoctions; medicated oils etc.The main advantage of the Ayurvedic medicine is that it never has side affects or related complications. The ancient Chinese used to follow a similar healing system to Ayurveda even today. Ayurveda stresses on the mind body relationship for perfect living and it also states specific recommendations to each individual on lifestyle, diet, exercise and yoga, herbal therapy, and even spiritual practices. Thus this branch of Ayurvedic science concludes that each individual is unique with specific health concerns and also explains as to why one person responds differently than another. Thus this oldest medical science of Ayurveda is of great beneficial to the mankind right from ancient days.