Disability can be defined as a functional limitation or restriction of an individual's ability to perform an activity. Though the physical problem pertains to an individual, it can be very clearly said disability is more of a socially created problem and not an inherent quality of an individual. It is because of these social stigmas influenced by the environment after a point of time disability becomes a "handicap". When a body function or structure is impaired it gets difficult for an individual to execute his or her task thereby limiting their activities. This leads to the restriction of the individuals to participate in most of the life situation.
Disability mainly reflects a disabled person's body interacting with the features of the society in which they live. There are also certain norms and standards for impairment fixed by the society to categorize the disabled people which mainly include physical, sensory, and cognitive or developmental disabilities. The other qualifying disabilities include psychiatric or psychosocial disability and various types of chronic disease. According to recent records of the disabled people there is about 14 crores of this challenging community including all categories of the handicapped people. They are generally classified into five groups and they are
- Visually handicapped
- Orthopaedically handicapped
- Hearing Handicapped (Deaf & Dump)
- Mentally Handicapped
- Leprosy-Cured.
The World Disabled day is observed on December 3rd every year throughout the world. The main objective behind the celebration of this day is to draw the attention of the government and the society more towards the disabled community. Apart from this, the day also inspires the people to break their barriers and to unify with the existing world of social life whereas for the general public or the abled category to express its fellowship with the handicapped community. The worst thing which could happen in a person's life is deformity no matter a physical or mental disability, especially when they are below the average income level survival itself become a major problem.
However the government has come up with a number of extraordinary plans and is also executing it for the welfare of the disabled people. The government has also given an enhanced disbursement of money for this category of people which is included in the handicapped welfare of the Nation's Five Year Plans. The Indian constitution has adopted two articles namely Articles 41 & 46 which emphasizes on the overall development of the disabled community. To give hands for these physically challenged people, there are four National Level Institutes set up by the Social Justice Ministry. These institutes aids in research, training, documentation consultancy etc.
The handicapped people are also into self-employment-ventures where they are assisted by the National Handicapped Financial Development Corporation by the Ministry of Social Justice. This is mainly to help these people to be independent than being dependent on others which will in turn improve or motivate their self confidence. The Social Justice Ministry recently formulated a scheme of Nirmaya. Under this scheme, free insurance coverage is made available to the mentally handicapped people.
As a part of celebration on this day various awards are given for the empowered disabled people instituted by the government. The basic idea behind this is that achievements of the awardees would inspire and encourage others to dedicate themselves towards the cause of the empowerment of persons with disabilities and also to recognize those who have helped the persons with disabilities to lead a better life through their sincere and dedicated service. These awards are given since 1969 both for the disabled people and those who excel for the welfare of the disabled community. There are number of cultural programme organized for the disabled community by various organizations. There are Posters, booklets, etc. for the public awareness on the world disabled day.