Indian Corruption

Other corruption in India  



The word "corrupt" is derived from the Latin word "corruptus" which is the past participle of corrumpere, to abuse or destroy, to break) when used as an adjective literally means utterly broken. In modern English the usage of the words corruption and corrupt have many meanings like political corruption, Police corruption, Corporate corruption, data corruption, linguistic corruption, bribery in political, business or sport.

Corruption in India

Corruption in the Indian society has prevailed from time immemorial in one form or the other. The most basic inception of corruption started with our opportunistic leaders who have already done greater damage to our nation. People of the nation who work on right principles are unrecognized and considered to be foolish fellows in the modern society. Corruption in our country India is a result of the connection between bureaucrats, criminals and politicians. In the earlier times, bribes were paid for getting wrong things done, but nowadays bribe is paid for getting the right things done at the right time. In today�s society corruption has become something very respectable in India, because the respectable people are involved in it. Social corruption like less weighing of any products, adulteration in edible items and bribery of various kind have incessantly prevailed in the society. In the current scenario, if a person wants a government job that person has to pay lakhs of rupees to the higher concerned officials irrespective of satisfying all the eligibility criteria.

corruption in India
In every Government Office in India one has to either give money to the officials concerned or arrange for some sources of reference to get the work done. There is an adulteration and duplicate weighing of products in food and civil supplies department by unscrupulous workers who cheat the consumers by playing with the health and lives of the people. In the assessment of property tax the officers of tax department charge money even if the house is built properly according to the Government rules and regulations.

The Political corruption is worst in India. The major cause of concern is that corruption is weakening the political body and very harshly damaging the supreme importance of the law governing the society. If you see nowadays politics is only for criminals and criminals are meant to be in politics. Elections in many parts of the country have become associated with a host of criminal activities. The criminals are threatening voters to vote for a particular candidate or physically prevent voters from going in to the polling booth especially the weaker sections of the society like the people from tribal areas, dalits and rural woman occurs frequently in several parts of the country. Recently, the Government of India increased the salary of the M.P.�s (Member of Parliament) from Rs.16, 000 to Rs.50, 000, that is 300% increase when compared to the existing salary. But many of the MP�s are unhappy with the rise and want the Government to increase the salary to a much more higher figure. This clearly shows how politicians are in constant thirst for monetary benefits and not even care about the welfare of the people. Tax evasion is one of the most popular forms of corruption. It is mostly practiced by Government officials and politicians who lead to the accumulation of black money which in turn spoils the morale of the people.

The Major factors responsible for corruption

  • The most important and common factor is the nature of the human being. People in general life, have a great thirst for luxuries and comfort living and as a result of which they get themselves involved in all unscrupulous activities that result in material or monetary benefits.

  • Moral and religious values are not given utmost importance in the Indian educational system, which is highly responsible for the deterioration of the society.

  • The salary paid to the few government employees in India is very less and as a result of which few of them are forced to earn money by illegal ways.

  • The punishments imposed on the criminal peoples for financial mistakes are inadequate.

  • a. Most of the political leaders have spoiled the society completely. They lead a luxurious life and do not even care about the people and the society.

  • b. People of India are not awakened and open-minded. They fear to raise their voice against anti-social elements prevailing in the society

Institutions which are dealing with political corruption

  • The few institutions which are dealings with political corruption are

  • Transparency International, an NGO which monitors and publicizes corporate and political corruption in International development.

  • Global Witness, an international non-governmental organization established in 1993. The NGO works to break the links between the natural resource exploitation, conflict, poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide.

  • Group of states against corruption, a body established under the Council of Europe. The committee monitors the implementation of instruments adopted by member states to fight against political corruption

  • Trust Law- a service of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. The Thomson Reuters Foundation is a global hub for free legal assistance, news and information on anti-corruption.

This web page explains the corruptions that occured in India. The information are collected from the media reports. or it owners do not take any responsibility for the authenticity of the contents. Since some cases are in the court of law, we do not endorse any cases or do not conclude on the same. If you need any changes to be done on the above information, kindly contact us with valid proof. However sincere attempt is being made to create awareness in the society against this evil and to prepare the younger generation for a corruption free India.

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